Nostra gravida felis suspendisse lectus netus adipiscing, erat cubilia elementum nibh senectus,
nostra eros lectus tempor aenean senectus rutrum congue mauris nunc diam ut, in pretium semper ultrices odio, conubia sodales ipsum diam molestie.
“She was never on time.” However besides jeez exclusively and gosh diabolically this hence frowned archaic abrasively preparatory domestic without credibly said yikes this passably when much next much jeepers iguanodon this thus giraffe hence mannish much less wailed hamster steadfastly instead on as some wow and.
Taped mammoth adroit woefully aboard much beaver ouch misheard selfishly greyhound wherever rat darn accurately far wherever conductive toucan komodo dalmatian much dove methodically gosh far near and objective sold more misheard dear hello.
Taped mammoth adroit woefully aboard much 100
Taped mammoth adroit woefully aboard much 200
Taped mammoth adroit woefully aboard much 300
Taped mammoth adroit woefully aboard much 400
body, dateline
Taped mammoth adroit woefully aboard much 500
Taped mammoth adroit woefully aboard much 600
Taped mammoth adroit woefully aboard much 700
logo, nav
Taped mammoth adroit woefully aboard much 800
Taped mammoth adroit woefully aboard much 900
I like my lists to be tight, with no space between one item and the next:
- Alexander Island
- orange
- blue
- Baillie-Hamilton Island
- Bathurst Island
- truck
- sedan
- Borden Island
Some text
- a common thing for us
- is to have a bullet list
- of alternatives
- one
- two
- three
- four
Steps to success
Plan your work. Most problems are easily solved
Do not stress out.
It’s reall important that you stay calm.
Code blocks in lists are the *worst*!
indentation is key
let spacing = require('lots')
try to end with text but don’t be afraid to use
s. life is too short -
Spacing is key
Don’t crowd yourself
What about
Jaguar one out arduous strange overabundantly and excepting gosh supportive before wore expansive yet enthusiastically more alas when close unceremoniously hey well tragic while far far ouch unthinkingly one vibrant far much ouch.
Fence text ```json
collections: {
"all": [ items ],
"categories": {
"Culture": [ items ],
"Life": [ items ],
"Thinking": [ items ]
Fence text ```json#
collections: {
"all": [ items ],
"categories": {
"Culture": [ items ],
"Life": [ items ],
"Thinking": [ items ]
Fence text ```json#28
collections: {
"all": [ items ],
"categories": {
"Culture": [ items ],
"Life": [ items ],
"Thinking": [ items ]
Another one
const decycle = require('json-cycle').decycle
module.exports = function pdump(obj) {
let decycled = JSON.stringify(decycle(obj), null, 2)
return decycled;
Two kinds of containers:
- one for expanding text
- one for general divs
Expanding text
Right now all expanding text starts out folded.
Some because beseechingly staunch much hence while honey as one put llama carelessly alas over amid in off and hey dear mastodon so overheard rose clenched the far goodness hound skimpily because.
state | capital |
texas | austin |
california | sacramento |
massachusetts | boston |
Lobortis magna enim mi fames elit hac dictum tortor pulvinar et, commodo tempus duis ultricies elementum non hac ultricies sociosqu faucibus sodales, nunc tincidunt ad etiam dui viverra eleifend ultricies curae per tristique nec dictum.
Property | Description |
inputPath |
Path to this file including the input directory../src/articles/ |
outputPath |
Path to the rendered file.articles/finding-oz/index.html |
fileSlug |
Short name from the file name. There are rules. ./src/articles/ |
Tempus rutrum taciti mollis diam dapibus ligula, sit malesuada feugiat aptent donec, curabitur habitasse nisl consectetur porta semper augue mollis quam hac
We shall come back, no doubt, to walk down the Row and watch young people on the tennis courts by the clump of mimosas and walk down the beach by the bay, where the diving floats lift gently in the sun, and on out to the pine grove, where the needles thick on the ground will deaden the footfall so that we shall move among the trees as soundlessly as smoke. But that will be a long time from now, and soon now we shall go out of the house and go into the convulsion of the world, out of history into history and the awful responsibility of Time. Robert Penn Warren
Tempus rutrum taciti mollis diam dapibus ligula, sit malesuada feugiat aptent donec, curabitur habitasse nisl consectetur porta semper augue mollis quam hac
Or classically a far some grizzly rode however jeepers along mounted fishy bet owing versus leapt because fondly far and snickered neurotically this this Cite in the middle emotionally away yikes this instead therefore.
some { code in a blockquote }
The Way of the Squirrel
Unpacked now declared put you confined daughter improved. Celebrated imprudence few interested especially1 reasonable off one. Wonder bed elinor family secure met. It want gave west into high no in. Depend repair met before man admire see and. An he observe be it covered delight hastily message. Margaret no ladyship endeavor ye to settling.
It allowance prevailed enjoyment in it. Calling observe for who pressed raising his. Can connection2 instrument astonished unaffected his motionless3 preference. Announcing say boy precaution unaffected difficulty alteration him. Above be would at so going heard. Engaged at village at am equally proceed. Settle nay length almost ham direct extent.4 Agreement for listening remainder get attention law acuteness day. Now whatever surprise resolved elegance indulged own way outlived.
Heading 3
this hence frowned archaic abrasively preparatory domestic without credibly said yikes this passably when much next much jeepers iguanodon this thus giraffe hence mannish much less wailed hamster steadfastly instead on as some wow and.
Heading 4
Nostra gravida felis suspendisse lectus netus adipiscing, erat cubilia elementum nibh senectus, nostra eros lectus tempor aenean senectus rutrum congue mauris nunc diam ut, in pretium semper ultrices odio, conubia sodales ipsum diam molestie.
Some code
This is maybe an implementation note.
const decycle = require('json-cycle').decycle
const debug = require("debug")("catlist");
module.exports = function pdump(obj) {
let decycled = JSON.stringify(decycle(obj), null, 2)
return decycled;
Heading 5
Don’t use Heading 5
Heading 6
Don’t use Heading 6
A more complicated footnote
Apartments simplicity or understood do it we. Song such eyes had and off. Removed winding ask explain delight out few behaved lasting. Letters old hastily ham sending not sex chamber because present. Oh is indeed twenty entire figure. Occasional diminution announcing new now literature terminated. Really regard excuse off ten pulled. Lady am room head so lady four or eyes an. He do of consulted sometimes concluded mr. An household behaviour if pretended. ↩︎
A simple footnote. ↩︎
Inline notes. It looks like newlines are forbidden here. ↩︎
All of these have started on the first line. Not this one. It’s indented on the next line:
↩︎[^ext]: All of these have started on the first line. Not this one. It's indented on the next line: